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Monday, October 16
9:00–12:00pm CEO Roundtable: “Charting the Future: A CEO’s Guide to Navigating Opportunities and Challenges in Associations” by Lowell Aplebaum, FASAE, CAE, CPF **
Must be the CEO or Executive Director of an Association to attend. Be a part of this stimulating dialogue focused on the future-centric opportunities and challenges that professional associations face from a CEO's standpoint. As the Nonprofit sector evolves quickly, we'll delve into the emerging trends and their effects on strategic decision-making, innovation and leadership. Prior to our session, we will gather your priority questions to ensure our conversation addresses your specific needs and concerns. This interaction-driven learning session is designed to help association leaders anticipate change, propel growth and achieve mission-focused results amidst an ever-changing environment.
Learning Objectives:
- To comprehend and predict the future trends shaping the associations landscape, understanding their strategic implications for CEOs.
- To discuss and learn innovative strategies and best practices to capitalize on opportunities and tackle challenges, including digital transformation, shifting membership demographics and sustainability initiatives.
- To empower CEOs with necessary leadership insights and skills to guide their associations through changes, fostering an environment of adaptability and resilience.
With decades of experience in the education and association realm, Lowell Aplebaum founded Vista Cova with the goal of bringing dynamic tools and knowledge to associations across the globe. As a previous association executive, Lowell now has had the privilege of working closely with hundreds of organizations – guiding leaders, members and staff through facilitation, keynoting and more. Lowell is a committed believer in bringing authentic curiosity, experiential learning approaches and active listening to the table. He is an IAF Certified ™ Professional Facilitator and currently studying to achieve his Doctorate of Education in Leadership.
1:00–5:00pm Golf Outing at the Donald Ross Course*
6:00–7:00pm Opening Reception at the Pete Dye Pavilion sponsored by French Lick Resort
The Pete Dye Pavilion is the epitome of the “bringing the outdoors in." The atmosphere takes you to new heights – literally. Located at The Pete Dye Course at French Lick, its magnificent hilltop views are icing on the cake. Complete with large stone fireplace and huge outdoor firepit!
Tuesday, October 17
8:00–9:00am Registration, Continental Breakfast & Silent Auction Opens
9:00–10:30am General Session: “Forecast Fluency: Learning How to Look Ahead” by Lowell Aplebaum, FASAE, CAE, CPF
The aftermath of a pandemic, societal disruption, economic threats…from one challenge to the next, our organizations and leadership have faced crisis after crisis.
The silver lining is that with each challenge comes an opportunity. The ability to forecast these challenges and opportunities is a priceless skill. Intuitive foresight is the key ability to track trends – past, present and future – and translate them into likely possibilities of tomorrow.
This session will step through a process of trend identification that can be used for any association or industry, helping volunteer leaders & staff alike to look up to the horizon and focus on what will most enable mission advancement.
Attendees will gain the ability to:
- Learn and practice a framework of past, present & future trend identification
- Discover what questions can connect trend fluency to better mission-focused decisions
- Bring back interactive facilitation methods to build a forecasting practice with your team
With decades of experience in the education and association realm, Lowell Aplebaum founded Vista Cova with the goal of bringing dynamic tools and knowledge to associations across the globe. As a previous association executive, Lowell now has had the privilege of working closely with hundreds of organizations – guiding leaders, members and staff through facilitation, keynoting and more. Lowell is a committed believer in bringing authentic curiosity, experiential learning approaches and active listening to the table. He is an IAF Certified ™ Professional Facilitator and currently studying to achieve his Doctorate of Education in Leadership.
10:30–10:45am Break & Silent Auction Bidding
10:45–12:15pm General Session: “Legal Issues Facing Associations” by Richard Vance, JD
This session will cover anti-trust updates, how this policy is relevant to smaller associations, and possible unexpected scenarios. Rick will also discuss some remote work issues.
Richard Vance is a partner in the Louisville office of Stites & Harbison. He graduated from the University of Virginia and the University of Kentucky College of Law, where he was Order of the Coif and an articles editor of the Kentucky Law Journal. Rick spent three years at the Federal Trade Commission in Washington, DC where he was a staff investigator. He has served as antitrust counsel to several national and statewide associations. He has addressed many antitrust issues facing trade associations, including industry surveys and information sharing, publication of product information, availability and pricing, membership policies and exclusion, trade show access policies, and product certification and standard setting programs.
12:15–1:30pm Lunch
1:30–3:15pm General Session: “Our Industry in the Age of AI” by Beth Z
Wondering how AI will impact your career? Want to know what tools are available and how to use them ethically? This is the session for you! As an association professional, staying ahead of the curve is critical to success. This unique discussion will provide you with the opportunity to ask questions, share your own insights and engage in informed conversations about the future of the field.
Meet Your New Nerdy Best Friend…Beth Ziesenis: Author. Speaker. Nerd.
Since her first Motorola RAZR flip phone, Beth has made a verb out of the word “nerd.” She’s here to help you filter through thousands of apps, gadgets, widgets and doodads to find the perfect free and bargain technology tools for work and home. Although the only real trophy she ever won was for making perfect French fries at McDonald’s in high school, Beth Z has been featured on Best Speaker lists by several organizations that write best speaker lists. She has written a whole shelf of books on apps and has spoken to more than 100 thousand audience members just like you. And if you’re puzzling over why she goes by “Beth Z”… it’s because she only finds about three people a year who can pronounce her last name.
3:15–3:45pm Break & Silent Auction Bidding
3:45–5:15pm General Session: “Powered Up Productivity” by Dr. Stevie Dawn
We live in a fast-paced ever-changing world. We are being asked to do more with less and in less time than ever before. It is a workplace imperative that we become efficient and effective in all our tasks. In this workshop, we will discuss the importance of focusing on the tasks that truly matter, the importance of delegation and how to prioritize our tasks. It is time we stop feeling overwhelmed and start feeling in control of our calendar.
Dr. Stevie Dawn serves as CEO of Stevie Dawn Inspires, a platform dedicated to helping people be productive at work and happy at home. Whether it is through corporate training programs or speaking at conferences, Stevie Dawn always delivers high-energy, impactful sessions. She has over 20 years of teaching and training experience in the corporate, non-profit and governmental sectors, her educational background includes a master’s degree in Sociology from Wichita State University and a doctorate in Leadership from Colorado State University.
5:30–8:00pm Bowling Tournament & Pizza @ Pluto’s
Wednesday, October 18
8:00–8:30am Registration & Silent Auction Final Bids
8:30–10:30am Breakfast Session and Awards Presentation: “The Art of Communication” by Debbie Peterson
Unlock the power of effective communication for you and your team with this interactive and transformative program that takes your skills to the next level. From discovering the common obstacles to communication to learning the habits of the most successful communicators, this program is the key to building a strong and collaborative team in the modern workforce. Tap into the power of your career and leadership aspirations by delving into the secrets of clear communication. This is your chance to transform your communication skills and see the profound benefits in your leadership and life.
Career and leadership coach, author, and nationally-recognized speaker, Debbie Peterson is the president of Getting to Clarity, LLC, a speaking and consulting firm. Debbie provides a system for audiences to gain more focus and clarity on their next steps, next level and next chapter of career and leadership. Her engaging and down-to-earth speaking style on career and leadership advancement, mentoring, and communication has made her a favorite with her clients. Debbie has 25+ years of corporate experience, including administration, project management, and investor relations. She is a professional member of the National Speakers Association and a certified trainer of Neurolinguistic Programming. In addition, she authored the book Clarity: How Smart Professionals Create Career Success on Their Terms and hosts the “Getting to Clarity” podcast.
11:00–12:00pm Post-Convention Session: “AMS Master Class” by David Carnes & Davendra Raghubir of AMO (Association Management Online)
This session will help you make an informed decision when considering a new AMS partner. David & Davendra will also demo their management software- Association Management Online (AMO). If you are an AMO user, this is the perfect time to learn about recently released features!
David Carnes founded ArcStone Technologies with an entrepreneurial spirit and a desire to provide technological solutions to small businesses in his local community. He captains both ArcStone and ĀMO, an association management software that he created. Both of which provide online solutions to hundreds of nonprofit organizations and associations throughout the nation.
With a strong passion for learning Davendra Raghubir joined ArcStone in 2018 as an ĀMO Junior Support Engineer. He now oversees the ĀMO software development team and facilitates all sales and training. Davendra is ArcStone’s resident support expert, personally walking potential customers through detailed product demonstrations and supplying ongoing support to current clients.
*Additional fee
** Must be a CEO to attend.
Click here to download a pdf of the registration info.
KSAE is a CAE Approved Provider
This program meets the qualifications for fulfilling the professional development requirements to earn or maintain the Certified Association Executive credential. Every program that we offer which qualifies for CAE credit will clearly identify the number of CAE credits granted for full participation, and we will maintain records of your participation in accordance with CAE policies. For more information about the CAE credential or Approved Provider program, please visit www.whatiscae.org.
As a CAE Approved Provider educational program related to the CAE exam content outline, this program may be applied for up to 9.0 credits toward your CAE application or renewal professional development requirements.